The Rundown: Mystery Million - Murder Hornet - Vegas Baby
Your Rundown in Frank's Garage on Z105: Tuesday May 5th, 2020.
An anonymous donor is giving a million dollars to hospital workers in Santa Cruz, California. The donor gave the money to be used strictly as bonuses in order to thank the hospital staff for working during the coronavirus pandemic. A press release put out by the hospital says the staff who worked a certain number of hours before March 1st will receive their bonus within the next 30 days.
People across the country have been reporting sightings of the Asian Murder Hornet. But it turns out those sightings are false. TMZ reports the Washington State Department of Agriculture says people are mistaking the Asian Giant Hornet with the European Hornet. The latter is a larger and less lethal insect. Since the Murder Hornet's discovery in Washington state, the WSDA has fielded hundreds of calls about possible sightings.
Casinos in Las Vegas are trying to figure out a way to reopen their doors -- and they might be able to make it happen, as long they can check the temperature of everyone entering the building. The casinos are working on technology that would scan all customers for a fever. If that fever is over 100.4, an alarm would sound and they’d run more tests.