The Rundown: Underpants - Poker - Corona Zombies

Your Rundown in Frank's Garage on Z105: Thursday April 16th, 2020.

  1. One small Maryland town was just reminded to wear pants because some residents are checking the mail in their underwear. Police posted a reminder on Facebook to put on pants noting "You know who you are. This is your final warning."
  2. Matt Damon and Ben Affleck organized an online celebrity poker tournament on Saturday which included Adam Sandler, Tom Brady, Jason Bateman and Tobey Maguire and many more. Each had to donate 10-thousand dollars to play, and all total raised 1.75 million for Feeding America.
  3. Some filmmaker named Charles Lamb released a super-low budget horror movie called Corona Zombies, which follows a character named Barbie who lives in a trailer park and discovers “corona zombies” walking among us. It uses recent news footage of Donald Trumpspring breakers, and clips from oldies but goodies like Hell of the Living Dead and Zombies vs Strippers

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