Rock Report: New Rolling Stones, Grohlathon, Duanne Allman Album Coming

The Rolling Stones could end up releasing their current project one song at a time, instead of within a formal album. Keith Richards says if the pandemic goes on much longer they might try to put out another track, especially after the success of their latest release ‘Living in a Ghost Town’.

A lifelong Foo Fighter's fan Pat Finnerty hosted a Livestream over the weekend calling it "Grohlathon" hoping to get Dave Grohl to join, and it worked! Finnerty told Rolling Stone his whole life has been spent watching Grohl, and he’s honored Dave joined the chat.

Duane Allman’s final performance with the Allman Brothers Band will be released as a new LP called The Final Note. Duane took the stage with his band in October of 71’ - featuring Sarasota’s own Dickey Betts on guitar for the last time. A mere 12 days later, Duane died in a tragic motorcycle accident at the age of 24.

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